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Re: [MiNT] Native GCC built

On 11/24/13 08:08, Miro Kropáček wrote:
    Thanks for your efforts, Miro. A personal note about your webpage:
    dark blue
    links on a black background are pretty hard to read ;-)

I know ;-) A few times I've tried to look into a CMS which would make my life easier (i.e. upload a file, generate a news entry, manage old versions, ...) but surprisingly, never found anything.
    I'm not sure what bootstrapping means: building a native GCC on
    the machine

That too, but in general, rebuilding everything from scratch. Typical situation is that you want a compiler but you need a compiler to compile it. As soon as you can compile "Hello world", you can compile other tools and then you can compile more complex tools and so on. However, there's no reason to make your life that hard, you can compile majority of tools using a cross compiler (which usually runs on a system with all that GNU crap like automake, coreutils, texinfo etc), gcc is a case which needs some special tweaking.
Btw, according to Alan, it's not possible to do a multilib bootstrap 
of gcc because you'd have the same problem -- gcc would try to compile 
& run m68000 and m68020-60 code on the FireBee, which is wrong. But 
--disable-multilib should allow to at least try the whole bootstrap 
procedure as a proof of concept.
No, it's the other way around. gcc would try to compile & run m5475 code 
on the m68000 which is wrong.
Depending on FireBee configuration, the way you explain, it would 
probably work.