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Re: [MiNT] New webpage for www.freemint.org ??

Am Sonntag, den 03.11.2013, 20:49 +0100 schrieb Alan Hourihane <alanh@fairlite.co.uk>:
Any web designers out there fancy making a new front page for
www.freemint.org ?

No web-designer, sorry ;)

We could use something that can support the builds for mintlib,
freemint, cflib/gemlib/gemma and fdlibm.

What exactly is the requirement? Displaying the list of all available builds and offering the latest official release and the latest build as main download?

Anyone have the time ?

Depends on the requirements. Setting up an CMS which can be
customized with an logo and a menu for all the components isn't much to do.
The main work would be to synchronize with the build system.
