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Re: [MiNT] C++

> How about providing the most used libraries with a trap #x interface?
> This way applications only link comparatively small code like they
> already do for BIOS/XBIOS and GEMDOS calls while the bulk of the actual
> lib code runs in one big lump that is loaded only once into memory?

Is it possible under Mint to compile an application without static
linking and/or to compile libs that could be linked dynamically later ?

I was wondering if the resulting binaries could be wrapped in some way
so that when started the libs are loaded and then the application is run
a bit like a self-extracting archive.

You know, reading mails like this makes me think that there's no bigger problem than having the option to load dynamic libraries under FreeMiNT :) I think "everyone" who uses FreeMiNT+XaAES for anything serious these days (like compilation, running command line tools in general) has a powerful machine with 64+ MB RAM and... when was the last time you ran out of memory?

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes