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Re: [MiNT] USB hub

I too am interested in this. I'd like to replace the floppy drive in my falcon with one of these. I guess I'll have to keep it though in case I break hddriver since we can't boot from usb.

On 04/04/2015 09:54 AM, Peter Slegg wrote:
On Sat, 4 Apr 2015 14:12:32 , David Gálvez wrote:
Commit message:

If allocation of a new USB device is not possible, probably because we
have reached the maximum number of allocated devices allowed, return error.

Contributed by David Galvez.

I would like to get a USB panel for the front of the Milan,
one with card slots as well. Any recommendations ?

I've been holding off until the normal card reader I have
is working with the Milan.

