[Freemint-list] FreeMiNT continuous integration

Miro Kropáček miro.kropacek at gmail.com
Wed May 3 06:52:31 MSD 2017

I'm glad you like it. :-)

All the issues/suggestions you have mentioned are quite valid, feel free to
enter them one by one into the FreeMiNT issue tracker
<https://github.com/freemint/freemint/issues> (so they wont get forgotten).

- Something that was working on Aranym but doesn't work on my Falcon :
> automatically open the console when a ttp output something. I have properly
> declared TW-CALL and launch TOSWIN2 in Xaaes.cnf, set TOSWIN2 to open
> console at output but If I don't set "console opens at start", the ttp will
> print directly onto the desktop : poua ! Ok it works like that, but it's
> not very nice to have to hide the console manually when you don't need it.
> I don't know if I missed something.
 Hmm, this is strange. Are you sure you're not talking about "log console
output" ? Because this is how it has been agreed on: if logging is enabled,
you don't get to see console output on screen (it's redirected to the
console window, if open *and* the log file, which can be /dev/null for
instance). If it's disabled, you see console output on screen (unless the
console window is open).

> - I can't manage to shutdown Mint correctly : I have tried EasyMint
> shutdown and the one from Joska in Vanilla Mint, but at boot Mint always
> complains that ext2 partition has not been properly shut down and check it.
> Strange.
This seems to be a regression, along with the hiding of fsck checking the
disk. I've meant to look at it sometime soon.

Something which is not new, but is really hugly, is Mint printing the
> shutdown sequence directly on the AES background. If it can't be avoided,
> at least can't we wipe the screen to white.
I think this could be solved via TosWin2. But I agree, it's not very
helpful, also with higher debug levels screen shouldn't be abused.

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes
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