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Re: MiNT/MTOS under PAK3

On Fri, 22 Jul 1994, Roland Givan wrote:

> >Yep that's right. Call 'cc -o ...' and watch the screen clear with a OUTSIDE
> >error "Can't write sector ...". This sector is outside the range it ought to
> >be writing to. Basically I bought Outside for compiling using C++ so I'm
> >pretty pissed off :-(
> Sounds bad :-(
> I've just sold myself on a PAK3 and now reports are comming in about
> certain major incompatibilites :-(
> >Anyway, hope this has been some help, even if it's not what you wanted to hea
> Anybody else using GCC under Outside?

I've tested both Outside and VRAM. MiNT 1.08 worked very well with both. 
But with 1.10 both crashes just about any time, usually when allocating 
large memory blocks. I can't uderstand why virtual memory hasn't been
implemented into MiNT already. MiNT is pretty useless with only 4 meg. 
And memory is expensive.

Elias M}rtenson                         !  No joke here.
elias@proxxi.uf.se                      !  Sorry for the inconvenience.
C-programmerare och GNU-fanatiker       !