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Minix FS and ICD 6.5.x


	I just updated my ICD HDD to the latest (6.5.x) and it breaks 
the Minix FS. If i do a "minit -t" with the new software I get :

	Logical  lrecno error
	Physical lrecno error

so it is not suprising that nothing works. 

With the older driver (6.2.x) I got :

	Logical  lrecno error
	Physical lrecno okay

Any ideas?

P.S. Are there any HDD software that supports floptical and SyQuest drives
     other than ICD. I would relly like something that is XHDI compliant
     but the obly other thing I have is HDDRIVER that came with OutSide and 
     is does not seem to have any support for flopticals?
