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Re: Slip Slidin' Away: Take 2.5

> I exited back to my local system and gave the following command:
> 	slattach -t /dev/ttya -r -l -p ppp &

Well, this really can't work. To establish a PPP connection you need
ppp-212.tgz. This contains pppd, the program which negotiates line
characteristics and other options with the remote end.

The '-p ppp' option to slattach was really only meant as a hack to get
a PPP interface going, but then additional hand-crafting is needed to
set up the right options...

Kay Roemer              roemer@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
"If I ever meet ..."    http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/~roemer/
"... myself I'll hit myself so hard I won't know who hit me" (Zaphod)