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Re: Asm or C (was: Re: New Web browser f

 >>  [...]  Well, CAB is compact and lightspeed when compared to a
 >> Netscape, but I believe a browser may be even more compact and
 >> efficient, and this is the point.
 >Yeah, but the sources for cab aren't available for free so porting
 >it to UNIX is not really an option..

Already, CAB has a few MagiC specific features, which partially
alienates MiNT users, and it's likely things will move towards
that direction in the future.

Therefore, I agree it's about time we had a MiNT/N.AES specific
browser that takes advantage of MiNT facilities (threads, etc.).


About ASM versus C, there are a few examples of good Macro-ASM
coders out there, like Gary Priest (author of POPwatch).  This
is only speculation, but I suspect the only reason C appears a
more portable language is because people working on *X systems
constantly play with GNU stuff whose sources are in C; after a
while, one gets accustomed to C practices and completely drops
any memory of previous ASM experience.


Just my 2 cents. ;-)

From: Martin-Eric Racine FUNKYWARE http://www.megacom.net/~q-funk
Atari TT030 12/1600 NVDI 4.11, MiNT 1.14.6, N.AES 1.1.0, GlueSTiK
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