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Re: fsck doesn't repair the FS

On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, Hans Streibel wrote:

> fsck tells me that my Minix FS has two errors:
> - inode 18: bad link count
> - inode 4385: orphaned inode
> I ran fsck more than once and always told fsck to repair the faults. I ran
> fsck when starting up KGMD and when I was logged in as root. fsck told me
> that the faults were corrected - but they aren't. Every time I fsck
> afterwards, the same errors occurred.
> Any ideas?

Yes, it's a common problem. KGMD runs fsck at the wrong time, when other
processes are already using the fs. The result is that fsck's changes are
immediately overwritten in most cases (some errors get fixed, others

A temporary way to fix this is kill every process you can kill (except
mint and init of course) :) and then run fsck. A more permanent solution
is what I have done: Run fsck from MINT.CNF. To do this, first comment out
all the fsck stuff in the rc files, and then add

EXEC h:\usr\etc\fsck -p h:

(Replacing h with the drive letter of your minix fs, if you have more, run
more fscks).

FSCK will now run without being bothered by other processes. The only
drawback is that it doesn't stop if there are fatal errors that require
user input (the kgmd setup stops and tells you to fix the problem). So
keep an eye on the fsck as it's running. :)



Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.

          Maurits van de Kamp (maurits@bassment.demon.nl)

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