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Re: VFAT kernel considerations

Hi Jo!

> The only problem I can think of with a properly implemented VFAT, is
> that it *might* create some problems with programs in the autofolder
> (because VFAT might change their 8+3 name into something they don't
> recognise). This is easily solved by renaming the files again, or run
> something like Diamond Edge to remove the illegal FAT-entries.
> To actually *destroy* the FAT is virtually impossible with a properly
> implemented VFAT.

Yes, or if you boot plain TOS (can't read the VFAT entry's).
> Btw. I'm a lot more worried about the wb-cache, which is what has
> caused most data-loss under MagiC. Can anybody (Frank? Konrad?)
> confirm that "our" implementation is safer than MagiC's?

What do you understand under safe? If you turn off the power before the 
cache is flushed you have always a inconsistent filesystem.

Same with minix filesystem (turbo mode = writeback mode).

But you configure the WB cache for a specified drive.


Internet: fnaumann@cs.uni-magdeburg.de
Mausnet:  Frank Naumann @ L2