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Re: Loadable keyboards


> I'm not sure what you mean, the format is pretty straight-forward. I'm
> not aware of any applications that can create/edit it though, so if
> you want to use it you might have to use a hex-editor (or better, qed
> in binary-mode)...

I remember someone developing an application for the loadable keyboard
tables, but I cannot remember who/when. It was definately mentioned
on c.s.a.programmer/st.tech (maybe as much as 2 years ago?) so maybe
a search on dejanews will find it.

Anthony Jacques           IRC: AnthonyJ | Bad Mood, GEM-DEU, FracTalk,
                          ICQ: 11287923 | STOS patching, Falcon Extn,
jacquesa@zetnet.co.uk                   | MiNT.CNF, Reschange, Tuna,
http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/jacquesa/ | and more... which shall I do?