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Re: Draconis in MiNTnet?

On Sun, 26 Jul 1998, Petr Stehlik wrote:

> Hi,
> apart from CAB and Wensuite there's another GEM WEB browser for our
> computers - it's called The Light of Adamas and I call it just Adamas.
> It's part of Draconis Internet package. You can find a link to the
> homepage of Draconis at Hallvard's Atari launchpad (Internet section).
> Adamas is written in C so it is faster than CAB and probably crash less
> often. Its development is very fast and new versions are available every
> week. It may soon outperform CAB in many ways.
> This browser uses its own PPP stack (as usually our small world is
> broken into even smaller incompatible parts). But there are two good
> signs: first the source code of the Draconis PPP is freely available and
> second the author claims it's rather similar to MiNTnet.
> If someone of you has vacation or just some more free time it would be
> nice to try to write Adamas.OVL for MiNTnet (similar to CAB.OVL for
> MiNTnet, but probably much easier).
> I know my message sounds like written by Eonic Man, but this should be
> possible to do in relatively short time, I hope.

Jens Heitmann, the Author of Draconis is very interested in supporting
MiNTnet, and he is currently looking for proper Dokumentation to
write a Layer like Gluestik to use all the Draconis-Applications together
with MiNTnet.
