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Re: [MiNT] new VDI?

> > > I think it would be more interesting to add VDI support into GGI than
> > > the other way around.
> > 
> > Apart from possibly making it easier to port Atari programs to a GGI
> > environment (there would still be the 'small' matter of the AES to worry
> It would make it easier to port GGI programs to run in TOS. Not that

Uhm. I think we've mixed up the definitions here.
My comments about GGI programs under TOS were earlier in my message, and
I did agree that it might be useful.
The most reasonable way to implement it would be, as I said, to do it
on top of the VDI. You could of course do it directly on top of the
fVDI device drivers, but then you would be locked into hardware supported
by those.

By 'VDI support into GGI', I thought you meant the ability to use VDI calls
on any system supporting GGI. That was what the statement below was about.

> > Anyway, I think it would be much better to build a VDI library for X
> > than for GGI.
> There is an X server for GGI as well. There are of course other things

Yes, since GGI is a sort of display device driver that makes perfect sense
(and this was probably one of the main reasons for GGI in the first place).

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