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Re: [MiNT] new VDI?

Johan Klockars <rand@cd.chalmers.se> writes:

> > I think it would be more interesting to add VDI support into GGI than
> > the other way around.
> Apart from possibly making it easier to port Atari programs to a GGI
> environment (there would still be the 'small' matter of the AES to worry
> about), I don't really see much point in that.
> The VDI certainly isn't the best graphics library ever invented.

It would make it easier to port GGI programs to run in TOS. Not that
there really are many of those programs, but maybe there will be. 

> Anyway, I think it would be much better to build a VDI library for X
> than for GGI.

There is an X server for GGI as well. There are of course other things
than the graphical bit to take care of in X.

