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[MiNT] MINT Newbie

I hope this is a proper place to post this.  So far all the messages I've seen have been technical in nature.


I have the following Atari computer I would like to run MINT on.

Standard Atari TT030

4 Meg ST RAM

(In the Process of purchasing Aixit RAM Board and will have 16 Meg TT RAM)

270 Meg internal hard drive partitioned as 230 Meg and 32 Meg <<< (Is this large enough)?

Atari TTM195 monitor or standard VGA monitor

Zoom 33.6K Modem


Why I want to run MINT.

To learn Unix.

The TT030 is a spare and collecting dust so I would like to use it.


What I want to run under MINT.

Mostly E-mail and PPP Internet Browsing then general applications like text editor, graphic viewing, games....


I have no Unix background but have used about 10 different operating systems on various hardware platforms since 1982 but never Unix. With the TT030 I have I am considering MINT, NetBSD, or Linux. I am looking for a MINT distribution to try out. I have found the KGMD and SpareMINT sites. Are there any other Web Sites containing up to date MINT distributions? Or does anyone know of dealers that have the MINT 98 or 99 CD-ROM? I am not afraid to mess things up and have to start over but is there a Web Site that could help me along? Would a Linux for Weenies book help me with the Unix side of things?