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[MiNT] directory for config files.

Hi Guido!

GF>Reading mint.cnf twice is error-prone (for example I used to run
GF>/etc/rc.boot and /etc/rc from mint.cnf).
Certainly one has to ensure that no statement is executed twice

GF>If we really need extra parameters, why not use a second config
GF>file "mintboot.cnf" that has one standard location: the auto folder.
Because then there's another configuration file and people get confused which
statement to put in which file. And that's IMO really error prone
GF>I *do* have problems with that naming scheme (mint.prg vs. mintnp.prg
GF>vs mintvm.prg or what was it).
I'm sure you're not alone with that

GF>we wouldn't have to explain newbies "well, the `exec' directive only
GF>gets executed in the second go while PROTECTION=on/off is only
GF>evaluated in the first go" ...
Why should that be of any interest to the user?
The only thing that has to be documented is which statements are evaluated
independent from their position in mint.cnf

