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Re: [MiNT] XBIOS function bending

On 22.12.1999, Michael Schwingen <rincewind@discworld.dascon.de> wrote:

> Unfortunetely, there is no BIOS function to read/write
> multiple characters from/to a device - this would be helpful
> for serial ports, too.

Interresting you mention this.  

The telecom middleware produced at my dayjob includes low-level
funtions to read/write any device using octet or strings.  All
functions have a name similar to the traditional function, but
with a suffix like function_oct(); function_str(); and so forth.

Martin-Éric Racine            The Atari Stacy and TT030 Homepage
Lappeenranta, Finland          http://members.tripod.com/~TT030/
   "When the time comes, I will know and I shall be."  Q-Funk