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Re: [MiNT] New MiNT distribution [...]

On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, lars brinkhoff wrote:

> Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> > I have contacted numerous manufacturers who recently joined the
> > Linux bandwagon to ask for m68k binaries and every one of them,
> > without exception, responded that only i*86 and _maybe_ Alpha and
> > PPC, once they see the results of their initial i*86 offering on
> > their sales.  In any case, Linux m68k is not in their plans.
> Still, Linux has a lot better support than MiNT, and Linux and/or *BSD are
> really the only viable options for gaining portable drivers without
> having to write them yourself from specs or reverse-eng from compiled code.
> Linux is also gaining a bit on that market, so maybe it will get better in
> time :)

Hi Lars, 

It is hard to say really, 

1) One you are saying linux, and not linux68k (big difference).
2) You are comparing linux to mint, on a unix perspective, (Not fair as
you are ommiting TOS/GEM).
3) If you are talking about linux has better support than MiNT, you are
probably talking about NUMBER of developers working on the src. Linux68k I
believe is not as popular, used as MiNT is. Which comes down to less
specific applications, and using gnome on a falcon, no thanks. COuldn't
any of THESE supporters like you might want to call them do a desktop for
example a little lighter? with drag ana drop, with nice protocol, using
less than 1meg of ram?  hey something like THING desktop!? ;)

Honestly: Some of you guys might not appreciate the "power" of MiNT and
GEM/TOS, which is fine... But don't expect everyone to agree with that,
nothing (so far) beats my lovely environment, (no windows, no macos, no
solaris, no gnome, no kde, no afterstep, no nothing), I know it is quite
sad, and probably very stubborn attitude, but I really do enjoy my system.

MiNT/Naes rules!!

Take it easy :))