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Re: [MiNT] Telnet?

Hi, Thomas

Yes, it is not a flat file. The problem is that I do not have
write access to that path, and my ISP is either being stubborn,
or very slow, or just figuring out what to do.

What I need to do, I think, is put a .terminfo folder in my ~ or
$HOME directory, and set the path to that in a .login file.

How do I go about changing the path in the $TERMINFO
environmental variable? Have locked myself out several times, and
fixed this using ftp, which works fine, and does not need any of
the Atari window handlers, tw52, tw52-m, tt52, st52-color, st52,
tw100, stv52 or stv52pc.

Their terminfo folder, wherever it may be, does not have those
files in it.

I presume that set env $TERMINFO ~/.terminfo

will do what I want, but I will gratefully accept any suggestions
at all.

By the way, tic run on SpareMiNT termcap throws two errors, on to
an unexpected character in ansisys-old, and a name collision on
st-52. I found the first one, but not the name collision. Where
is it, and what does it do to a file I really do not care about?

Has anyone else found that error?


On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, Thomas Binder wrote:

> Hi!
> On Sun, Jul 06, 2003 at 12:19:00PM -0400, Jim DeClercq wrote:
> > The way to fix this may turn out to be cluttering my disk space
> > with a .terminfo file, edited to contain only what I need, and
> > set that path in a .login file.
> No, terminfo uses a path structure, not a flat file :)
> I.e. the terminfo entry for xterm is located at
> $TERMINFO/x/xterm
> Ciao
> Thomas