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Re: [MiNT] My remarks (2)

On Tue, 3 Aug 2004, Petr Stehlik wrote:

> I don't think I ever used caps lock in typing. Actually I don't remember
> ever using the Caps Lock for anything. Guess I never YELL WHEN TYPING.

Same here.. but if anyone would use it, it would be part of the typing and
not part of some command sequence. If you want to draw conclusions on the
un-use of the caps lock key, it should be removed from the keyboard
alltogether. :)

> > loosing your entire text after hitting ctrl+A
> am I using GNOME for too long that I can't remember how ctrl+A could
> loose the entire text?

I said "..when typing fast", which is exactly my point. ctrl+a selects all
the text, and then the next keypress will replace this selection, at least
in most standard GUI-based text processing applications. ctrl+a itself is
harmless, but as I said, ctrl is never a part of normal typing, and when
it is, it's accidental. That's why ctrl, like alt and command (aka
"Windows"/"Apple" key) should be away from the "normal" typing area.
Command sequences are separate actions that are not part of a line of

> Perhaps FreeMiNT could offer configurable remapping of ctrl key
> somewhere out of Maurits reach? :) Definitely far from the 'A' key ;-)

It would be a solution for people who use MiNT on systems with PC
keyboards (Milan, Aranym...) and still want their control and caps lock
swapped, like those PC users mentioned earlier. :)

I know some people who suffer from ctrl+a typos but it doesn't happen much
to me personally. I'm not proposing a change here, I just said it was a
silly layout and explained why after being asked. That's all. :)
