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Re: [MiNT] WCOWORK operating mode

on 7/14/2005 7:05 PM, Evan Langlois wrote:

> This one is rough as its almost always the fault of the application.  I
> used to hate GFA Basic because older versions of it seemed to blatantly
> ignore the rules,

This is true, the libs contained lineA calls and so on.
However, all that has been patched and removed.

> and the users of it generally hadn't read any of the
> OS documentation - so if it worked on their 520ST, they didn't care much
> about anything else.

That is true for all languages not just GFA.  I have plenty of old apps that
are made with "C" that simply do not follow simple guides lines and it's
most unfortunate that I can't run them on my 060.  Well, or even my TT for
that matter in the larger resolutions. Stuff like the cyber series, degas,
stuff that was actual commercial software.

Mind you I'm not arguing, just wish to further clarify your point.  You can
hand someone that latest gcc and dev tools and they could still crank out an
app that don't behave well.  Documentation is critical now days.

Lonny Pursell    http://www.bright.net/~gfabasic/