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Re: [MiNT] cflib screen locking

Hello Gerhard

I not understand very well your problem (I have not read all messages on this mailing list this too much for me!)

Why do you need to do wind_update(BEG_UPDATE) before fsel_input() ?

On single TOS there is no need to lock anything and lock screen on multitask is a very bad thing. In MyAES if you try lock the screen I unlock it, other application can still use screen.

Notice you can know if you are in multitask AES or not by using return on appl_init() if -1 this is multitask.

With MyAES you can use

appl_getinfo_str() as for XaAES this is the same.



I think that locking the screen is only required with ROM AES and no

No, is also if Selectric present.

So either check for ROM AES (is this possible?) or add XaAES, N.AES and
MyAES to (2).

Or add the fslx function to XaAES. ;-)

That the moment the code is
wind_update (BEG_UPDATE);

if (slct || gl_gem >= 0x140)
  fsel_exinput (path, name, &but, title);
  fsel_input (path, name, &but);

wind_update (END_UPDATE);
slct is TRUE if Selectric > version 1.00 present.

This can be changed to
if ( !gl_naes && !gl_xaaes )
  wind_update (BEG_UPDATE);

if (slct || gl_gem >= 0x140)
  fsel_exinput (path, name, &but, title);
  fsel_input (path, name, &but);

if ( !gl_naes && !gl_xaaes )
  wind_update (END_UPDATE);

How can I check for MyAES? appl_getinfo_str ( 96 (AES_VERSION))?
