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Re: [MiNT] "pid 80 (conholio) : unifs: couldn't match a drive with a directory"

On Mon, 2010-07-26 at 18:11 +0200, Vincent Rivière wrote:
> Peter Persson wrote:
> > I have no idea what it means (subject line), and it only happens when I
> > launch Conholio under Aranym. Furthermore, it only happens if I launch it
> > from the desktop (Thing), but not when I launch it from another console
> > window.
> I have already reported that recently.
> It happens with any software built with a recent MiNTLib and run with an old 
> kernel. It happens when the program is run from a specific drive (i.e. C:\) 
> but not from U:\.
> Alan answered we should not run new programs with old kernels, but we should 
> at least investigate that to understand what is going on.

Sure, please do. It sounds Aranym specific anyway.
