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Re: [MiNT] XaAES Gradients

5 aug 2010 kl. 22.35 skrev Helmut Karlowski:

> Am 05.08.2010, 19:06 Uhr, schrieb Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com>:
>> I know that there is a hold on new additions to MiNT/XaAES, but could

---- snip ----

>> I also propose a change to the default gradients for this release
>> dedicated to Frank, I think the G_YELLOW.C would produce the best
>> result.
> I do not understand anything on this topic.
> I think it's better to do this when there's more time.

Shouldn't this be solved by providing an external API to it all? My impression is that XaAES has fairly sophisticated theme handling internally, but right now all we have is hardcoded coder-colours. Extended texture patches and new patches for new hard coded themes doesn't really feel like the answer to it all. Feels like a waste of resources for something that in the end is a matter of taste for each user.

-- PeP