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Re: [MiNT] Fxattr giving wrong date values (was Re: zDesk desktop sources available)

I find this behaviour to be illogical, but probably correct. My
To me it looks very logical, it's very smart!
assumption that modification time = creation time when copying a file is
most likely wrong.
I thought it works like that, too but this "new" behavior seems much better :)

To me it looks like Fxattr is returning the correct timestampt, i.e. no
swapping takes place. I'm curious about Zorro's problem with Fxattr.
Zorro has written this:
"I don't know if this bug is related to MiNT or the Aranym filesystem but when I ask the date of a file( with Fxattr), the creation and
modification dates are switched.

Can anyone try on real hardware( with the jinnee info box for example) and confirm this bug ?" 

So, after all, this wasn't a bug but he wrongly assumed what those time values mean...

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes