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Re: [MiNT] Fileselector filter is case sensitive on VFAT

Am 14.01.2011, 22:19 Uhr, schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@helsinkinet.fi>:


On perjantai 14 tammikuu 2011, Helmut Karlowski wrote:
> I think seeing that you have same files names with different
> capitalization
> on case sensitive files systems is better too. :-)

Hm - don't know. Remember the pattern is not only valid for the
extension, but also for the base.

Sure, if I have on case-sensitive file system both "Makefile" and
"makefile", I'd rather see both in Makefile editor's file selector. :-)

That is one very unlike example - there are lots of more where I want it sensitive ;-)

You might say ?akefile in that case, because 'Makefile' is not parsed as pattern and it would not help anyway.

The pattern is always insensitive when it's preceded by | as described in the docs.

Helmut Karlowski