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Re: [MiNT] gradients,FreeMiNT 1.18

Am 28.07.2011, 21:48 Uhr, schrieb Peter Slegg <p.slegg@scubadivers.co.uk>:

I don't know how the widgets and gradients have been implemented so I don't know how much work is involved in creating a viewer like the one in Windos
control panel.

Huh? Didn't know windows has this! But that's the thing I had in mind (though it seems it's integrated in the windows-desktop and not external).

However, without an easy way of seeing the options on offer. all the
work on the nice visuals is a bit wasted.

It's not that difficult (at least on aranym):

1. Download the gradient-directory from the cvs

2. copy a template to your new file (e.g. my.c)

3. write gradients=my in xaaes.cnf

4. do your changes

5. type make my.grd

6. copy my.grd over into XaAES-gradient-dir

7. restart XaAES

8. Goto 4. or done.

But when you enter wrong values XaAES may crash badly (changing rgb-values seems not risky).

Helmut Karlowski