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Re: [MiNT] Creating a patch for a non-existing directory

m0n0 wrote:
First I tried to use CVS for it, but you can only cvs diff added directories
and files. That's only possible when you have write access.

Cygwin comes with a "cvsutils" package to workaround that. I never used it.

Then I tried local diff, however, it also fails, or applying the patch when
testing it fails.
(I get error message: The next patch would create the file ./,
which already exists! Assume -R? [n] ).

You probably created the patch with the wrong options.

Providing you have a 2 directories:
- emutos.orig: original sources
- emutos.work: your work

Go to the parent directory, and do:
diff -x CVS -aurN emutos.orig emutos.work >my.patch

The -x CVS above indicates to exclude the CVS administrative directories when creating the patch.

Then to apply the patch, go into a copy of emutos.orig and do:
patch -p1 <my.patch

The -p1 above indicates to ignore the first path component from the patch file.

Vincent Rivière