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Start a different mailing list

 > > I suggest you do start a different mailing list, then.
 > Annius, when Torsten Scherer (sp?) introduced the topic, he had set up a
 > new mailing list! Every response to his original message that I have seen
 > said "do it here". I never read any objections, not from you nor from
 > anyone else. So either *I* missed something, or else *you* did.
 No.  I decided to wait and see.  I now think you *should* start a different
 mailing list, if only to end this annoying discussion.

Annius V. Groenink | E-mail: avg@cwi.nl      |  Private & ZFC:
CWI, Kruislaan 413 | Office: M233            |  P.O. Box 799
1098 SJ Amsterdam  | Ext:    4077            |  NL 3500 AT Utrecht
Netherland         | Phone:  +31 20 592 4077 |  Phone: +31 30 803740