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Re: PPPkit 2.0 (was: Importance of "W" for Mac68/T

 >> A minimal, and easy to install, setup should then include:
 >> * A tar-archive of a minimalistic MiNTnet-setup, designed for dial-up
 >>   connections with ppp and nothing else. I.e. no multiuser facilities
 >>   or other fancy things.
 >Yes, how many "average-joe" users really need a multi-user system? I
 >certainly see no need for it.

Multi-user is a growning industry, on the PC side, so why not here?
Typically, this involves a whole family or small office connecting
to the internet using the best-featured machine and other machines
using it as an IP masking device.

I myself have started using my old ST, networked to the TT using NFS.
The only missing part is IP masking, so I can mail and IRC from my ST.

 >> * A GEM-based installation-program that initialises the
 >>   minix-partition, unpacks the archive, asks for things like
 >>   hostname, nameserver etc. and modifies the proper config-files
 >>   accordingly.
 >Yes, quite an important part of the distribution, IMO.


 >> But what about clients??? All the really good stuff needs MiNTOS
 >> (pine, mutt, ircII...), without them all we're stuck with is CAB, aFTP
 >> and various STiK-clients that runs under GlueSTiK. 

Hold on! CAB.OVL and AFTP both exist in MiNTnet versions. Myself, 
I am currently writing a GEM mail/news client that will first run
as a MiNTnet client (STiK version later).

 >Oh, and GlueSTiK should probably be part of the distribution as standard,
 >so people can run any Stik clients they have...

Quite important too.

From: Martin-Eric Racine FUNKYWARE http://www.megacom.net/~q-funk
Atari TT030 12/48 NVDI 4.11r0, MiNT 1.14.5, N.AES 1.1.0, GlueSTiK
    "By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to
     believe in human potential, not God." -- Gloria Steinem
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