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ST MiNT users

On Wed, 10 Jun 1998, Janez Valant wrote:

>    Well i partialy agree... But we CANT just ignore ST users.. and if i
> recall corectly u didnt like f030 only patches in MiNT. As Linux and
> NetBSD is concerned: they are foreign OS-es... 

Again, I haven't been following with great detail, but I would agree with
whoever said we should start concentrating on "modern" Ataris. I mean even
the 030 is old as hell. Why should we be >10 years behind everyone else
just to support some obscure architecture instead of moving on to get
things done.. I mean, we're not ignoring ST users - they have MiNT already
and piles of software. It's just time we start moving on aswell (wow,
that's probably an amazing concept for Atari ppl these days) to support
new advancements. Hell, if you ask me, by now we should be looking into
PPC-MiNT or something. Just a pity even future Atari clones are all 0x0..
Even the 040 is almost ten years old. *sigh*

         -     ---------- = = ---------//--+
         |    /     Kristoffer Lawson      |    www.fishpool.com
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