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Re: [MiNT] MiNTlib - new functions

On Fri, 25 Dec 1998, Petr Stehlik wrote:

> 2) better support for LFN
> In PARCP I use fopen(filename, "wb") for creating a file but I never
> bothered converting the filename to 8+3 if the dest filesystem was FAT.
> I always thought GEMDOS would convert it for me. However I have just got
> a bug report that said copying a filename containing SPACE char is a
> real killer for TOS FAT.

I seem to remember that UNIXMODE has an option to convert all
dots in a filename to an underscore, when copying to TOSFS.
Perhaps this could be improved to also convert spaces into
underscores, as well.

However, this option seems to be broken in the current kernel.
I wanted to set ._ (ie: convert . to _) but it doesn't work.
The onlt thing it manages to do, currently, is to eliminate
the extra dots before the last one:

file.tar.gz    becomes   filetar.gz

According to UNIXMODE docs I got, it should have converted to:

file.tar.gz    becomes   file_tar.gz

Interrestingly, this is the same conversion rule that VFAT uses
on windows, when truncating filenames with multiple punctuations
to create the 8+3 FAT listing.
  Martin-Eric Racine * http://www.pp.fishpool.com/~q-funk/M-E/
  The Atari TT030 Homepage * http://members.tripod.com/~TT030/