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Re: [MiNT] smail probs

> Well, I have solved my problem: I recently unset $TZ in my /etc/profile
> (and forgot it in /etc/csh.cshrc) because I now use the tz database.
> If $TZ is not set at all or set to an illegal (unparsable) value all
> (KGMD-) smail instances crash with a bus error.

That's it!!!! That's the sneaky little change in my system when smail
stopped working! :)

> This is probably the solution for your ip-up problem.  Insert 

Well when I noticed that prob, TZ was still set in my mint cnf. But I
haven't tried it for ages. :) BUT.. I now set TZ in mint.cnf again, and
smtpd works!!!

> Maybe the same problem.  Maybe a wrapper script around /usr/lib/sendmail
> (or /usr/sbin/sendmail, whichever is used) will do.  Rename your sendmail
> to sendmail.wrapped and install this script as sendmail:

Well setting it in mint.cnf should be enough though, no? I mean it all
worked fine when I had it there. :)

Now Pine still locks up when I send email with it, but only when I'm not
root. So I recon this is an ownership problem which I created somehow when
I reinstalled kgmd and copied my old configs back.

But finally my falcon has it's smtp services back.. thanks!! :)



* I don't believe in camera tricks.

*  What's more stupid than making a not-millenium-proof operating system?
**   Doing so in 1998.

          Maurits van de Kamp (maurits@bassment.demon.nl)

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