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Re: [MiNT] Re: Apache Server

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, John Blakeley wrote:

> I think the httpd.conf I included with the download from my page was set to
> only start one child.
> When httpd is running, how many instances do you have? 2 before you run up a
> browser and then 3 after? If so, try upping the max/min number of servers.
> This may help.

Ah.. actually I was just about to point out that on my linuxbox (with
apache), httpd shows up 10 times in the ps-list. I always wondered why,
but now I know. :)



* I don't believe in camera tricks.

*  What's more stupid than making a not-millenium-proof operating system?
**   Doing so in 1998.

          Maurits van de Kamp (maurits@bassment.demon.nl)

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