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Re: [MiNT] FreeMiNT 1.15.1

Hello Odd,

on Thu 13-05-1999 03:10 you wrote:

> Hi, Martin and all.
> Ok, I just made a test. I booted with 1.15.1, no splitram.prg. Then I
>filled my memory by loading a lot of pictures into Imagcopy. Guess what?
>No problems! Ok.. then I ran GCC to compile the kernel (I use this as a
>test now), and instantly everything was messed up. Lots of kmemory failed
>messages. This makes me really confused. It seems everything works ok,
>except GCC. I will test some more.

	What sometimes seems to help on my Hades is "console.ttp" It can 
	be coincidence ofcourse but when I launch first "console.ttp" and 
	then Phoenix  I usualy don't get these kmalloc fails.
	Does this make sense?

>> The only thing I do is setting of all the "load alt" and "malloc alt" 
>> flags of every prog, acc, etc..
> Ok.. I do exactly the opposite. Maybe I should try to set them instead of
>clearing them. Any Hades experts listening and can tell us (me, at least)
>what is the best thing to do?

	I don't know the answer. I follow the advise of Bernd Ebert who 
	told me once that it's better to set these flags off.


O-Tagger ß1.24: Back Up My Hard Drive? I Can't Find The Reverse Switch!
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