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Re: [MiNT] MiNTNet "land" bug fixed

> > Probably, but this would require much more complicated looking into the
> > internals of the TCP implementation which I didn't want to do. Some people
> > complained about MiNTNet being frozen by this land program, and this does
> > fix that, that's all I was worried about.
> However, without solving the real problem, you only provide a band-aid for
> this special exploit.
> MiNTNet is probably still vulnerable to some others (nestea, iping, sping,
> teardrop, ...), so fixing the real problem will pay off in the long run.

Actually, no, because Mario followed the instructions used for
patching BSD sockets (without coying the source itself), so it
should be the same thing.

Additionally, I provided Mario with the sources to Targa, the
newest all-in-one nuker that combines Winnuke, Land, Teardrop
and a whole bunch of others.  His patched sockdev.xdd survived.

Martin-Eric Racine        http://www.pp.fishpool.fi/~q-funk/M-E/
The Atari TT030 Homepage       http://funkyware.atari.org/TT030/
Intellitel Communications  www.intellitel.com  +358 (5) 624 3283