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Re: [MiNT] Q-funk's MiNT problem

On Mon, 17 May 1999, Thomas Binder wrote:

> I assume this is in Thing. Why do people don't read the FAQ in the
> Hypertext? This is a WDIALOG-problem, especially when run from the
> Auto-Folder instead of n_aes.cnf. It reports a wrong size (zero, to be
> precise) for the system font via appl_getinfo() for some time after it
> initializes. Thing has a workaround for that, but apparently it doesn't
> always help.

In this case it is my understanding that the problem was visible in
several applications including Imagecopy; I do not know whether it affects
Thing. But I am told the problem happens in the same way with or without

| Mario Becroft                * Tariland, New Zealand Atari User Group |
| mb@tos.pl.net                * Atari Hardware Developments            |
| http://www.ak.planet.gen.nz/~mario/ * Atari Serial Mouse Interface    |