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RE: [MiNT] DHCP for MiNT-Net?

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 Jo-Even.Skarstein@gjensidige.no wrote:

> Cable/ethernet is a whole other issue, and unless you can get fixed
> addresses I don't think there are other practical solutions than DHCP. 

Precisely my point.  

I _have_ asked for a fixed IP (which is nice if someone wants to
register a domain - I do), but it was a real pain in the ass the
ISP would have rather avoided (calling their tech-support out of
their summer cottage to drop by the office and assign me an IP).

> I don't know any details about the DHCP protocol though, so I have no
> idea how easy it would be to port it to MiNTnet.

Hence why I asked if anyone knew anything about it on the list. :-)

Martin-Eric Racine        http://www.pp.fishpool.fi/~q-funk/M-E/
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   "When the time comes, I will know and I shall be."  Q-Funk