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Re: [MiNT] memory fragmentation

Guido Flohr wrote:
>On Sat, Aug 14, 1999 at 06:11:48PM +0000, kellis wrote:
>> Hi, been almost 4 days uptime. (so it IS stable).
>> My question is:
>> 19641712 bytes (19181K) in 112 blocks free, largest free block: 2383920
>> (2328K)
>> As you can see, i have 19meg free, and only 2 meg for largest block.
>> huge fragmentation. 
>> What can I do to prevent that as little as possible?
>> How do other OS do?
>As Jo already said, the proper solution would be to make the kernel
>use the MMU what it had been designed for, for virtual memory 

<Some ideas on preventing fragmentation removed>

At the moment, I've re-started looking into this.  I've sorted out
most of my system crash (I hope), so I think things are good again.
Note that what I'm looking into will only work with an machine
with an MMU.

Sorry for the delays.  I'm reversing engineering the memory code
as we speak :).

Michael White (michael@fastlane.net)