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[MiNT] Mymail and Gluestik


The following is maybe off topic, my excuses if this is the case.

It seems that Mymail has troubles to retrieve mails when used with 
Gluestik 0.03b3.

Whenever it came across a char above ALT 125 the retrievement stops 
prematurely just before it downloads the line which hold an accented char. 
Mymail give me then an error message like this.

#BAD_END_MAIL_TRANSFER_ABORTED (-28) Error during fragmentation [Mail retrieve]

In this case the line that the mailer tried to download holded 'Eric Häll'

When Mymail is used with STiNG I can download this mail without any 
So my guess is that Gluestik somehow is the culprit. Right?


O-Tagger ß1.24: Smurfs: Illegitamate children of the Jolly Green Giant.
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