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[MiNT] Minix filesystem limit

I had a problem yesterday:

I compiled leafnode (news server) without any issues. But when installing, it creates a
directory with 1000 (!) sub-directories. After having created 125 directories, it can not
create more (with '.' and '..', the limit is 127 directories per directory, it seems). Is it
a documented bug ? I do not have checked this in the Minix XFS sources.

Should I format my Minix partition to Ext2 to overcome this limit ?

Did someone write a howto, describing how to format, and access an ext2 partition,
which utilities are needed ? I would like to try it.

Patrice Mandin

Programmeur Linux,Atari
Specialite: jeux, outils de dev
WWW:  http://www.multimania.com/pmandin

Boîte aux lettres - Caramail - http://www.caramail.com