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Re: [MiNT] OSMD - NKEMD structure

On Sat, 25 Aug 2001, Bohdan Milar wrote:

> Hi all,
> General question:
> - I won't create separate src.rpm files but will include the src
> files to bin rpms into dir usr/share/doc/...

I thought that the sources are not compilable any more. The versions of
libraries woudn't match and would be hard to find the appropriate ones.
I think you can just add the src.tgz for each package separately. Only for
programmer's review posibility.
The bin packages should be created normally - package by package - but not
by building the package-src.rpm, however by making bin.rpm using the KGMD
binaries you have.

> - I am looking for new versions of all non-SpareMiNT KGMD programs
> and new non-SpareMiNT + non-KGMD MiNT software. Please help !!!

Linux should have them all ;) When you are finished with the basic
packaging and get working system it would pop up the missing features and
we'll search for the possible replacement (or addition) we need.

> elvis:
> - I don't think it is important so am not going to add it in NKEMD.
> Nevertheless some files from /usr/ucb (elvis, elvprsv, elvrec, input)
> have no SpareMiNT equivalets.

the vim, note was quite "in-place", but what about speed? I thing ST many
users will satisfy the elvis there is. I would keep the package there.

> smail:
> - I hope the files /usr/bin/uuwho and /usr/ucb/newaliases are not
> important because I omit them in NKEMD.

Well, I didn't really use MiNT at this level. Is there the whole sendmail
functionality in MiNT? Are there the aliases? Does it work?

> finterd:
> - package renamed to finger-server

Why? Is there any other distribution with such name for this package?

> I hope it is all.

Never say "all" ;))

best regards
