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Re: [MiNT] Keyboard input fails with 1.16.1

> For now I can only say this: there must be some incompatibility in
> BIOS keyboard handling between EmuTOS and TOS 4.04. Could TT users
> verify, if the keyboard input works on TOS 3.06? If so, we could
> blame EmuTOS then for not being compatible with the TOS version it
> claims to be compatible (2.06). If not, we will fix FreeMiNT.

I booted latest Aranym with the EmuTOS, that comes with it, with latest
FreeMiNT 1.16.1-alpha, and N.AES 2.0.

Under TosWin 2.6 there are many redraw errors, so that the text one inputs
is not readable until a forced redraw of the TosWin window. But generally I
was able to input some text and execute shell commands.

However: I've enabled the newly defined KBD_AT_CAPS, and discovered, that
under EmuTOS this keyword has no effect. This means to me, that the FreeMiNT
keyboard routines are simply inactive, eventhough the system thinks that
they're installed (i.e. XBIOS calls return values referring to the FreeMiNT
internal keyboard driver, for example).

So, unless I overlook something, it is to be concluded, that EmuTOS,
eventhough it claims to be TOS version 2.06, lacks the TOS 2.06 BIOS
functionality in this area, i.e. the kbdvec vector, which is used by
FreeMiNT to intercept keyboard scancodes.

I guess that everything would work better, if the EmuTOS reported to be TOS
1.06 or something like this. At least, IIRC, it also lacks Bconmap() and God
knows what else, that has been introduced with TOS 2.0.

Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz, http://draco.atari.org

** Ea natura multitudinis est,
** aut seruit humiliter, aut superbe dominatur.
** Taka to już natura pospólstwa, albo służalczo się płaszczy,
** albo bezczelnie się panoszy. (Liwiusz XXIV, 25).