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Re: [MiNT] Keyboard input fails with 1.16.1

V St, 28. 07. 2004 v 16:46, Martin Tarenskeen píše:
> I just tried current CVS version of MiNT kernel on my Aranym box. Now I
> can't input any text anymore, for example in my bash or in QED.
> Switching back to 1.16.0 solved this problem. Looks like a new bug ?

I wrote most of the keyboard input in ARAnyM so I'd like to warn you -
there can always be a bug in the hardware emulation.. I went the easy
way and wrote it to work with TOS, not to emulate every tiny detail of
original hardware. The reason is that we want to get rid of the original
hardware emulation eventually so I wanted to save some work (yes, I am
lazy).. In future FreeMiNT will contain loadable keyboard driver talking
to ARAnyM host directly, avoiding the tripple keyboard conversion that
is done now.

Anyway, I need to check the FreeMiNT's changelog to see what has changed
to stop guessing and start debugging :)
