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[MiNT] cflib and Backspace

Can someone help ? I am pulling my hair out here trying to work out why
the (NKCC) cflib function doesn't return what I expect when I press Backspace
in a textarea of Highwire.

input_keybrd (INPUT input, WORD key, UWORD state, GRECT * rect, INPUT * next)
    FORM     form = input->Form;
    WORDITEM word = input->Word;
    WCHAR ** text = input->TextArray;
    WORD     ascii_code;
    WORD     scrl = 0;
    WORD     lift = 0;
    WORD     line = 0;
    unsigned short nkey;
    BOOL     shift, ctrl, alt;

  printf ("1: key=%04X state=%04X\n", key, state);

  /* simulate the gem_to_norm function */
   printf ("gem_to_norm of %16X\n",
                (long) (key & 0xff) ¦                /* ascii Bits 0-7 */
              (((long) key & 0x0000ff00L) << 8L) ¦    /* scan Bits 16-23 */
              ( (long) (state & 0xff) << 24L)        /* kstate Bits 24-31 */
  nkey = gem_to_norm ((short)state, (short)key);
  printf ("2: nkey=%04X\n", nkey);


1: key=0E08 state=0000
gem_to_norm of 000E0008
2: nkey=4080

In the code snippet above I embedded a chunk of code from the cflib
function gem_to_norm so I could check some of what it does to the

nkey is then logicalled anded with a set of flags and I expect to
get 08 which would match with NK_BS from cflib.h but since the
value is 4080 hex it is never going to give 08

#define NK_BS        0x08           /* Backspace         */

My suspicion is that it might be some implicit type conversion
that I am not aware of.
