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Re: [MiNT] XaAES: testdriver wanted

Am 11.12.2009, 18:19 Uhr, schrieb Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com>:

The Load meter, left half you say, I will double check, but I think
the button set will fit to the right (at bottom), but that means they
have to "slide right" when resized..

Exactly that I intended, but was too lazy ... All buttons have to stay in the right half then!

By the way I found a hidden game in the Taskmanager, the keys are
"CTRL-ALT-F" and the aim is to try to get the first black bar all the
way to the top


I am very good at this game

Depends on the speed of your system- I can't get it on 100% in jit-aranym :)

BTW: Do you see the other 3 bars? That's one of the specials in MiNT I changed.
