Am 14.07.2010 21:58, schrieb George Nakos:
Hello Peter, Monday, July 12, 2010, 10:38:13 PM, you wrote:Note: If you try it, please let me know if it works. If you think rendering bitmaps directly to the target format prior to blitting it to the screen will break your drive, rape your dog, and make your mother pregnant - don't even bother.As an early tester of this app (back from 0.1) I can only chime along with the rest and say that after running it, I threw toswin2 where it belongs: to the waste bin ;)
While my Toswin2 still is in place, i can now use conholio on my Radeon equipped Falcon as well. Good work, PeP! Greetings Stefan Niestegge (aka Beetle)