Am 18.07.2010, 12:28 Uhr, schrieb Peter Persson <>:
Hi, 17 jul 2010 kl. 23.37 skrev Helmut Karlowski:Am 17.07.2010, 22:59 Uhr, schrieb Helmut Karlowski <>:Are there any docs? What has to be set for $TERM ("linux"?)? Is there a termcap for the conholio-terminal?"linux" works (except F-keys).That's news to me! If you tell me how to reproduce it, I'll look into it. On VT100-ish terminals, the way function keys are handled is
In fact they work - I only tested F10, which is the only one that does not work, using
:FA=\E[34~in the linux-termcap on my private MicroEmacs-version on aranym. That is pure-c-compiled so it maybe it's possible to dig this out using pure-debugger.
Using TERM=vt100 no F-keys work but there is no F-key-definition in the vt100-termcap.
-- Helmut Karlowski