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Re: [MiNT] trunk-09082010 file structure / content

Am Di, 10.08.2010, 18:15 schrieb Mark Duckworth:

> A fat binary will work
> properly and efficiently on either system and only cost some disk space.

Small binaries are charming somehow... and it gives you the possibility to
make something like cripple mint distribution (1 floppy-disk MiNT
distribution). But as I said - this "fat" kernel sources could be coded
with #ifdefs and so you could just leave out the things that you don't
want to have in the kernel. So, if someone want's an fat kernel, he/she is
able to build one..., but if he likes to build an small kernel, he or she
is also able to do it, by setting / unsetting the kernel-configuration
compiler defines.
